Beauty & The Relentless Pursuit of “Stuff”

Hello, I’m Angela, founder of my labor of love, Cove Home.

For as long as I can remember, I’ve had a fascination with interiors, furniture, and all things beautiful. My mind is constantly brimming with ideas on how to beautify homes - rearrange, organize, and style spaces to make them more inviting, cozy, and personalized. The transformational power of beautiful design is limitless.

Yet, amidst my pursuit of beauty, a nagging thought tugged at my heart. I realized that constantly acquiring new stuff and chasing trends didn't necessarily lead to a nurturing, peaceful home. It was this revelation that prompted a shift in my perspective and a deeper commitment to mindfulness and responsibility.

A New Vision of Home Design

A new vision began to take shape. A vision of nurturing homes that told family stories and were filled with treasures that transcended time and fashion. A vision of spaces that were truly beautiful, unique, and designed to last.

Before settling into our dream home, my husband and I had embarked on numerous transformations, renovations, and upcycles in the city. Our passion for creating homes, not just houses, fueled our constant quest for re-design. Yet, we discovered that true satisfaction came when the treasures we had collected over the years were unpacked and thoughtfully arranged - each holding a story, a memory, and infused with character and soul.

We strolled through memories of our daughter sitting at a walnut and marble antique writing desk to complete homework, of my late grandmother and the bronze figurines she handcrafted, and of our honeymoon in Vietnam where we found a collection of lovely ceramic spice dishes at a local market.

As our passion grew, so did our commitment to quality, sustainability, and honoring the past. Even before sustainability became a popular term, we were repurposing, painting, and breathing new life into inherited furniture. Our love for scouting unique shops, antique dealers, and vintage finds wasn't merely about saving money but more about embracing the quirkiness, uniqueness, and history of each piece.

The Sanctuary of Slow Living

I began to ponder the thought: What would the new antiques be for our children’s generation? With fast living and mass-produced goods dominating the market, would there be lasting heirlooms for our children and future generations? In a world where constant movement is a reality, would our treasures endure and find new hands to cherish them?

Moving from the city to a serene, coastal haven in New Zealand deepened our appreciation for a slower, more intentional life. It was a conscious choice, guided by the desire to provide our three young daughters with a life immersed in the wonders of nature and the beauty of the ocean.

We sought to create a sanctuary, shielded from the incessant need for more "stuff" and driven by a yearning for genuine experiences and lasting memories. We became acutely aware of the detrimental impact of fast living and the importance of supporting small artistic communities and sustainable living practices.

Vision + Community = Passion Project

Our vision extended beyond our own home, aspiring to make a small difference by bringing our passion for handcrafted goods, slow living, and connected communities to homes around the world.

It encompassed a world where artisans and consumers were connected, where a welcoming home that reflected a family's personality and story could be created without costing the earth socially or environmentally.

Our love for travel provided boundless inspiration. Exploring faraway places and immersing ourselves in diverse cultures ignited our creative spirit. However, the limitations imposed by the COVID pandemic reminded us of the need to bring the beauty of the world to those who couldn't experience it firsthand.

I longed to help people create spaces that reflected their personal style and passions, encouraging them to escape the cycle of chasing trends and embrace their own unique definition of beauty. This longing sparked a renewed dedication to finding accessible, beautiful, handcrafted treasures that positively impacted the lives of others and minimized environmental harm.

Cove Home is Born

And so, with an unwavering commitment to mindful design, personal connection, and the pursuit of beauty, Cove Home was born. My hope is that Cove Home will be a bridge that brings the world's artistry and craftsmanship into homes of people who embrace individuality, sustainability, and the timeless allure of unique treasures, inspiring them to create spaces that whisper stories and embrace the true essence of functional beauty.

Through curated collections sourced from communities around the world, Cove Home aims to ignite a passion for thoughtful, soulful design. With each purchase, customers will be part of a movement that celebrates artistry, fosters sustainability, and ensures that their homes reflect their unique journey, story, and values.

With my three amazing daughters as constant reminders of the future I’m building, the Cove Home family embarks on our mission, eager to spread the joy of slow living and the transformative power of meaningful design to people near and far. We know that by nurturing homes and treasuring memories, we can create a legacy that will endure for generations to come.